Let’s face it, humans once imprinted with something, an impactful experience, a body-mind response and an idea about it, and the journey of those responses is already on its way of determining a life, the life’s direction, or rebellion of that direction. Life on Earth in a body is the Spirit answering a question.
That is all of us — the ‘Welcome To Life On Earth’ package!
The older we get the more complex it is to change, and simultaneously the more far reaching in the areas of our life that benefit from addressing the source(s), and undoing the holding onto the outdated beliefs and habits. Unless one is dedicated to change, it is our habits then that make our choices for us — we have outsourced our conscious choice to the default of habit.
I don’t know if change is what really scares us, we encounter the world everyday as it changes, what scares us seemingly more are the ‘buttons’ already inside us that we don’t want triggered or pushed. Those tender buttons can be early childhood wounds, misunderstandings, and beliefs, compounded yearly by the repeat of the beliefs about one’s self after event(s). You know what I mean.
How we use our bodies everyday impacts us exponentially as time goes on. Awareness of one’s attitude toward one’s body and self is key in beginning to heal from the self-destructive thoughts that are so common in today’s society because of stress, loneliness, disappointments and living conditions. Even if you’re not in dire straits, your job stresses still affect your health. And post-pandemic stresses may have increased because of what impact the lockdown had on you, and your family, economic changes and global climate changes.
Courage to encounter the Self in its lesson’s process, can get a little help from disentangling the habits that choke the procession forwards into the future, with the Alexander Technique principles — Awareness, Inhibition and Direction. Come for a lesson and find out, have a new experience!
Unlearning one’s habits is a vital tool in peeling back from the extra demands one places on one’s Self, and coming to self honesty and self love is essential. Treating one’s self with love means becoming aware how you’re treating yourself — would you treat a baby or a child with how your negative mental habits treat you? Gentleness and kindness isn’t weakness, it’s an expression of love that is part of the fabric of this reality.
Like the song says, “Love is in the air,” I would amend to Love is the air! You have to clear the habits that block the higher energy that is around us all the time. Let the love in. You are loved.
It’s all all-ready in you.
This primordial soup that our brains decode, is the medium in which we play out this living experiment! And it’s love and intelligence! Think about that for a moment, and maybe a natural breath of relaxation will arrive, and let yourself be for a moment.
Breathe in the love!